Key Dates

Abstract Submission: August 15, 2024

Full Submission: August 30, 2024

Notification: September 15, 2024

Registration: October 15, 2024

Main Conference: November 27-29, 2024


All submitted papers need to be original, not to be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere, and must not be under review by any other conferences or publication during the review cycle.

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2. If any questions, please contact us: at

Conference Template

We require all submissions to be in accordance with the conference paper format. Please download the paper template here:

CSCSG 2024


Big Data Architectures

Big Data Management

Citizen engagement and smart governance

Cloud Computing and Networking Infrastructure

Critical infrastructure resiliency 

Deployable microgrids

Electric cars, demand response, distributed generation, storage

Energy Management Systems 

Energy-efficient smart grid systems



Institutional integrity

Internet of Things for Smart Cities

Large Power Grid Safety Control 

Large-Scale Energy Storage

Mobile Computing

Smart Grid and Smart Energy

Smart Transportation

Sustainable Cities

Virtual Organizations and Teleworking

Wireless Communications

Best Paper Award Benefits

Eligibility: All papers orally presented at the 2024 International Conference on Smart Cities and Smart Grid (CSCSG 2024)

Presentation: The award will be announced and presented at the CSCSG 2024 conference on November 28, 2024.


Conference Venue: University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia